Class and subject teachers should make regular assessments of progress for ALL pupils. These should seek to identify those children / young people making LESS than expected progress (this can be wider progress such a social, emotional or physical)

The first response to children / young people who are identified as making less than expected progress is GOOD QUALITY TEACHING (often known as Quality First Teaching or QFT). 

Where progress continues to be less than expected, then the graduated response would kick in. 

The CYP would be ASSESSED for a CLEAR analysis of their needs. 

This includes the teacher’s assessment and experience of the CYP,  the CYP's  strengths, previous progress and attainment and the CYP's development in comparison to their peers and national data, the views and experience of parents / carers including the CYP's own views. Schools should take seriously any concerns raised by a parent / carer. 

These should be recorded and compared to the school's own assessment and information on how the CYP is developing. 

Then a PLAN is produced to address the CYP's needs.

This plan is shared with ALL staff working with the CYP so that all are aware of the CYP's needs; the longer term outcomes sought and the teaching strategies / approaches that are required.  Provision is selected to meet the outcomes identified and the CYP and their parents /carers should be fully involved n producing the plan. 

We then DO what is detailed in the plan. 

The class teacher / tutor / subject teacher remains responsible for working with the child on a daily basis. Where the interventions detailed in the plan involve group or one-to-one teaching away from the main class or subject teacher, they still retain responsibility for the pupil, however, wherever possible, the CYP should remain included in their class and outside class interventions kept to minimum.

The effectiveness of the support is then REVIEWED

The staff working with the CYP,  the CYP and their parents/ carers review any progress against the outcomes and decide upon new outcomes and provisions or keep the same outcomes but alter the provisions... 

... and the cycle starts again.