Visually Impaired
Following instructions
Say CYP's name clearly before giving instructions to make sure you have their attention
Always use clear, descriptive language
Try to project your voice naturally and clearly
Emphasise key words by putting stress on them
CYP may need help in locating and interpreting sounds which they hear. Keep extraneous noises to a minimum
Use short sequenced instruction statements
Ensure instructions are understood by using open-ended questions or repeating back to speaker
Seating plan
Identify the optimum place for the CYP according to their needs. As a general rule, it should be in good light; away from glare and at an angle to the board to reduce projector glare however, some students may need less light or colours emphasised so it should always be based on the needs of the particular CYP.
Ensure a safe layout of the classroom, removing any potential trip hazards
Explain whenever a new layout has been arranged and allow the CYP some time to familiarise themselves with it
Participating in class work
If no additional support is in place use a buddy or peer system to make sure the CYP understands instructions / events
Use a colour combination that eases the impairment when reading such as black on a yellow background
Ensure text is enlarged if needed and use whatever font is specified as easiest for the CYP to read
Use any other specialised equipment, such as tactile rulers, if it is helpful tot he CYP
Dictate any information written on the board or provide a copy that is easier to read for the CYP