Useful terminology

Terminology when referring to teaching and learning


Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service.  NHS run for children and young people with severe mental health difficulties. 

Com Paed / Paeds 

Community Paediatricians.  Doctors specialising in neurological disorders in children.  Referrals come from school and can be used for exploring any neurological condition 


The SEN Code of Practice. Statutory guidance for those working with anyone who has additional needs.  Schools generally look at section 6. 

Dual Vulnerability 

Any child who has two or more vulnerabilities - SEND and LAC/ SEND and PP etc. Important to track the progress of these pupils as they are our most vulnerable and we need to ensure that they make as much progress as their peers.


Emotionally Based School Avoidance.  Previously referred to as school refusal.  EBSA is usually a symptom of an underlying cause and results in a pupil missing school due to anxiety. 


Education, Health and Care Plan.  A plan for the education, health and care of a child with complex additional needs.  This is legally binding and authorities such as Dorset or BCP have a legal obligation to adhere to the provision stated in it. This includes being financially responsible. 


Emotional Literacy Support Assistant.  School run pastoral intervention by a trained member of staff that lasts between 6-10 weeks and is targeted on a specific issue with emotions such as self esteem or anger management. 

EP or Ed Psych 

Educational Psychologist.  Produces reports and recommendations for children with SEND.  One assigned to each school.  Undertakes statutory work such as assessing needs for an EHCP 


Individual Education Plan / Individual Support Plan. Also known as a sparkle plan / shine plan/ target sheet etc. A plan detailing the targets and support provided for a child with SEND 


Inclusion Lead.  Responsible for the inclusion of all children.  Often, but not always, oversees the SEND department, safeguarding, attendance and PP 

LAC / CiC 

Looked After Child / Child in Care. A child who is in care, usually with foster parents but could also be in a group home. Every child in care has a social worker.  School must also complete a PEP. Post LAC /CiC is a child who has been in care previously. There is also terminology such as ‘Private Fostering’ and ‘Special Guardianship Order (SGO) which all means that the child is not living with birth parents. 


Personal Education Plan.  A termly plan for the extra funding that comes into schools for children in care to ensure that there is no gap between their progress and attainment and that of their peers. It is agreed with the child (if they are of an appropriate age) school, parents, foster carers, social workers and virtual school. 


Pupil Premium. Children who are identified as being in receipt of Pupil Premium funding. 


Speech and Language Therapy.  Run by NHS and can diagnose and support children wh difficulties with speech and language


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator. Member of staff responsible for the outcomes for those identified as having SEND.  MUST be a qualified teacher. MUST achieve a national award in Special Educational Needs Coordination within three years of appointment 


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Independent Advice and Support Service.  A free service for parents / carers to help them with all issues surrounding SEND provision for their child 

SEND Support 

Any child who is on the school’s SEND register but who does not have an EHCP (see above).  SEND support can include anything that the school does to support the child’s progress and attainment that is ‘additional to or different from’ the normal curriculum’. Most children will make consistent progress with good quality teaching and we follow the evidence that good teaching for SEND is good teaching for all. 


Teaching Assistant. An adult employed to ensure that all children do not fall behind because of any child who has SEND.  Common misconception is that a TA only works with those who have SEND and works 1:1.  In most cases, this is strongly discouraged. 


Team around the family / team around the school / team around the child. Meetings convened to ensure that concerns are met with a multi agency approach.  Includes anyone working with the family / child / school or any agencies that school or other professionals would like to be involved.