Word finding / blocks
Slow down your rate of talking to convey to all the children that there is plenty of time
Speaking slowly oneself is likely to help the disfluent child without drawing attention to the stammering by asking the child to slow down
Try distractions
Use familiar material that is well within the CYP's level of ability reduces the communicative stress
Anxiety / Stress
Reduce the number of questions asked
Do not show anxiety or worry for the CYP
Explain clearly that your classroom is a place of safety and make it so for the CYP to express themselves
Low self-esteem -fear of being interrupted or hurried; expressing complex ideas; using relatively new vocabulary and sentence structures
Keep a record of what increases and decreases fluency as this could give some ideas about how to help
Talk to the CYP about pressured situations and what they feel they are able to cope with
Try not to finish off sentences for the CY
Celebrate success or competence in other areas which can be encouraging, as well as directing the focus away from stammering
If applicable, use inspirational role models for the CYP such as Musharaf's speech
Hesitancy when answering questions
When asking the class questions, Do not keep the CYP who stammers waiting too long for their turn since this may increase anxiety and therefore, the stammering
Slow the rate of speech of the adults in the room right down
Ask other CYP to speak slowly
Use tapping techniques for keeping the pace steady
Difficulties when reading aloud
It may be necessary to work gradually towards reading in front of the class
Reading alone to the teacher or other adults can be followed by reading in small groups
When the CYP feels ready, reading to the class can be attempted