EBSA Emotionally Based School Avoidance

Emotionally-based school avoidance (EBSA) is a term describing children and young people who have reduced or non-attendance at school. It is used when difficulties attending school have escalated to a point where the CYP has continued to struggle to attend school over a period of time and it is associated with emotional and physical distress.

There are many factors involved in Emotional Based School Avoidance, often referred to as ’push and pull factors‘. Push factors increase a CYP’s ability to attend school, and pull factors are those that reduce it (and therefore make it more likely the CYP will stay at home).

EBSA is a complex issue inextricably linked with mental health and well-being. Some examples of EBSA risk factors could include:


At all points, keep communication open between school and home.  Transparency and consistency is key to helping the CYP understand and cope with emotions relating to EBSA.